Author name: Renaissance Man

Composer, educator, designer, baller, rebel, philosopher, and eclectic world-citizen. Yet, none of these things truly define me.


This is me –Dora. I like this photo. It was after I went to Santan Yinyue with Lynn after running the marathon in 8th grade.  Welcome to my page. I’ll show you part of my world here. I was born in Hangzhou on July 20, 2009. I have lived in a very happy family since […]

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About Amy Zeng

Find the ‘self’ Cats Lover My two lovely kittens hold a special place in my heart. They are not only my pets but also cherished friends and beloved members of my family. Their playfulness bring immense happiness and companionship to my life. Together, we create a warm and loving atmosphere at home, filled with laughter and

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